Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Since it is already the 4th I have some catching up to do. So I shall recap the "thankful" highlights of the last couple days.

Jan 1: My hubby, Jubal, insisted that while he was home I use the time to take a nap. I hate napping, I love the idea of napping, but always feel like part of my day was "wasted" when I nap. I typically wake up feeling refreshed, then look at the clock and start getting upset about how much I could have accomplished in that amount of time. Well, turns out the 2 hour nap I took was the thing I was most grateful for that day, so...thank you honey.

Jan 2: All in all a pretty relaxed Sunday. Grocery shopping, went to church, lunch at home with the family. Probably most thankful for the time at my parents house though. Went over for nothing more than a visit and had a nice time relaxing and watching a movie. For my family, that's saying a lot.

Jan 3: Jubal's sick. Allergic reaction again. Looks like Will Smith in the movie "Hitch." Doped up on Benadryl and home in bed. Oddly, that's what I'm most thankful for. Glad he is able to take a day off work and spend it taking care of himself and catching up on all the sleep we're losing with 3 kids. Was tempted to wake him up at one point and have him help me with the boys, but I refrained and still managed to get a LOT done. Plus, I got the bonus feeling of pride for accomplishing so much and not disturbing him. :)

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