Saturday, January 15, 2011

Another great weekend....I think so.

I'm excited the weekend is here, especially since we have very little on the "to do" calendar. We are expecting a visit from friends Sunday night, but other than that we have no other plans. Jube and Malachi are off getting their haircut this morning, a nice Father/Son bonding time. Malachi was really excited to go to the "Big-Boy Barber Shop". He always looks so cute when he has his hair freshly cut. It was getting really long and I felt bad for him because it always looked like his hair was poking him in the eyes.

Before - front

Before - back.

What have I been thankful for the last few days?
Well, it seems Thursday has become such a blur that I can't even remember what we did :)
I do recall that Jubal and I turned in early, and I'm always thankful for more sleep.

Yesterday was a really nice day around the house. I've been keeping up with the house (cleaning, laundry etc.) so I was able to play with the kids and do a puzzle. I'm so addicted to puzzles that it's rare I get to start one. I can't start one unless I know I have the time to finish. I did an easy 550 just to curb the jigsaw craving. Felt great!
Today promises to be a relaxed day of casually getting things done. It's my "No stress weekend" commitment to myself and Jubal. To date, this year has been awesome. I feel like I have had a really positive outlook and low stress. Plus, I look forward to the next day! I feel extremely blessed.

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